College library is endowed with large number of titles and volumes of reference books, textbooks and handbooks required for teaching and learning activities. Besides Recommended Text Books, there are good number of books on technical and engineering, management, humanities and literature. It has well designed stack rooms. The library database is centrally computerized for accession and renewals with smart cards for the students and Bar codes for the books for easy, secure and quick operation. Students can reserve the books though the OPAC/web OPAC.
We Have Digital Library Subscrition:
INDEST-AICTE Consortium IEL, online & ASME
It has periodical section, reference section, magazine section, reprographics facilities, internet connectivity, scanning facility, book binding facility, printing, CD viewing etc. Facility of photocopying and printing is provided to the students.
The Library has institutional membership to:
1. British Council library, Mumbai
2. American information Resource centre
3. Central manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore.
4. Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore