A workshop on “ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT” was held on 04/01/2024 By Resource Person “Dr.Mitta Sekhara Gowda” (Head-Incubation Innovation and Entre preneurship …

Shridevi Degree College & PG Center
Affiliated to Tumkur University | Since 2005
A workshop on “ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT” was held on 04/01/2024 By Resource Person “Dr.Mitta Sekhara Gowda” (Head-Incubation Innovation and Entre preneurship …
Department of B.com.organized an Industrial Visit to “JEENI ENTERPRISES” Yaragunta sira on 25/01/2024.
Campus Recruitment Placement -2022-23.
SHRI SRUSHTI- 2023 College Day Celebration and SHRI AGAMAN -2023 Fresher’s Day Celebartion.
Internship Programme in Association with SHRITEK INNOVATIONS presents TECHWAVE – 2024. Videos
Kannada Rajyotsava was Celebrated with the vibrant spirit of karnataka on 29/11/2023 at our campus .
Department of BCA organized an Industrial Visit to “ATAL LAB , VTU PG CENTER “, Chikkabalapur on 04/01/2024.
A workshop on “CYBER SECURITY” was held on 21/11/2023 By Vishwanth Gowda (Cyber Security Engineer ,Thermal Fisher Company ) .
A Technical Seminar was Conducted on 9th of November 2023 by Dr. Dinesh H A, Professor and Dean (R&D) SIET, …